Demo tapes and singles from obscure melodic punk (sorry kids, no hardcore here), power pop and indie/alternative bands circa '77 - '95 or so. Should anyone want anything removed (because one persons buried treasure is another persons embarrassing past) please send an email to: moldy.old.tapes@sbcglobal.net and it will be removed promptly.
My personal favorite indie pop cassette ever. Purchased in Portland, Oregon in 1990. Perfect in every way. Imagine if a bunch of kids wrote great songs that were in the lyrical vein of Jonathan Richman but had never actually heard of Jonathan Richman. Later releases by the band would be more indie rockish, but this first release will always be my favorite. Hook oriented guitar pop, totally punk in it's simplicity. I don't think this left my cassette deck for the first 6 months I owned the tape. If you think I've overhyped it, you're wrong and I'm not. Lead singer/guitarist Bryan later went on to form Pep Squad and The Denominators.