Sunday, January 23, 2011

Let's Sea, K Records cassette only compilation 1988

One of at least three cassette only compilations released by K in the late 80's, all compiled by Calvin Johnson. At one point I owned all three (the others being Let's Kiss and Let's Together) but as the tapes are now over 20 years old, I'm lucky I held onto even one. There is something to love and hate for almost anyone here. Personal favorites are the White Sisters, who seemed to be America's answer to early (i.e. good) Aztec Camera, the Fastbacks, Screaming Trees, and Snakepit. The Steve Fisk track will make you glad that in the digital age you can just click "next track" and not even have to wait for the tape to fast forward to the end. The end of the tape had a brief audio clip of radio dj's talking about Beat Happening, one of whom was Toby Vail. I included it for the sake of completeness although it's value is so marginal that it couldn't possibly be measured. Anyone out there have the other two K compilations? I wasn't able to turn up anything when I searched so if you do, please start a blog and post the link to them in the comments. Seriously, I'd really like to hear the Volume 3 song on Let's Kiss again...


  1. thanks so much! stoked to hear this.

  2. HI! the second side doesn't work anymore. Do you have another link to download it? thanks a lot, your blog is amazing!!!

  3. hi,this blog is amazing,can you reupload to mediafire?

  4. Any chance of a re-up? I need to hear the Snakepit songs, and this is the only place to find them.

  5. Hi Johnny,

    I quit doing this blog years ago but if it's Snakepit you want then please visit my new(er) blog which has their entire recorded output. It's quite a lot of material, much of it unreleased and all of it posted with the band's permission.



  6. Can you reupload? the link is missing, please.
